
Thursday 20 September 2012

Week Fifteen :(

This is the last week of the semester. To be frank, I will miss Bel 311 class. No more Bel after this, no more stressing about Bel 311 and no more Miss Zu :( I will miss the moment in Miss Zu class, even though there a tons of work, but yet that is what I'm going to miss


No class today. Today is the public holiday for Malaysia Day. Happy Malaysia Day Malaysian :)


Today, we are doing the last activity for the semester. we did learnt about Infer. Infer is something that have a connection with Implied. Infer comes from the root word Inference which means we need to guess. Guessing the words that has been given because we don't know what is the meaning of the words.

So we did a activity which is called Scooby Doo. The game is about guessing. we are given clue which each of us are given a piece of card. any one of the clues is not in the card means that, that person is the killer and the thing he/she has used to killed that person.


Last class todayy. Last class with Miss Zu. Last class For BEL. We just go through past semester examination paper. Miss Zu did tell us the format for the final that we are going to take soon. We discuss a little bit about how we are going to write for the final. 

After finished discussing the past semester examination paper, we are having some port luck. Yeayyyyy ! :D As a celebration for the last class. Well, I'm quite touched to hear Miss Zu speach :') Thank you Miss, Thank you for everything ! May Allah Pays back all your kindness ! We gonna Miss You Miss Zu :)

Thursday 13 September 2012

Week Fourteen ^^

#1 (10/09/2012)

Movie timeeee ! Wehooooooooo :D We watch movie for today's class :D We watch the Taken movie, I never watch the movie before and the movie was so interesting. The movie was starring by Liam
Neeson, Maggie Grace and Famkee Janssen.

The movie is all about sacrifice of father to a daughter and human trafficking of prostitution. I was touched to watch the movie, and I nearly to shed a tears. How touched am I to see the love of a father to a daughter.
Poster of the Taken movie.

Liam Neeson asBryan Mills.

Maggie Grace as Kim.
As usual,  we are not watching the movie for fun or no reason, heyy, we are in the class right ? We has been given a task to write a last essay in a group, which is Discussion essay about the issue in the movie. 


We were discussing the essay that had been written. Miss Zu chose a group and the group need to present their essay in front of the class.

Let the pictures talk. hihi :D

Megat's group is presenting their discussion essay.

Classmates give a 100% concentration during the presentation.

Miss Zu is focusing :)
Only two groups could present their essay because the time is not enough. *gluuuup. hihi,


We got no class todayyy ! Yeayyy. The class CANCEL :D but we need to hand in the discussion essay in hard copy which means that we need to print it out :)

Week Thirteen :D

#1 (03/09/2012)

I was late to class today which is 30 minutes because I was just arrived from Kuala Lumpur :D Sorry Miss for coming late but yet, I didn't skip the class. hihi. As Miss said, 'better late than never' well, I am quite agree with that quote :D

For today's class, we learnt about the group discussion. Group discussion or also known as the speaking test is going to be held this week which are on Tuesday and Thursday. Only the selected groups will come to the class, and do the speaking test with Miss.

Miss Zu did some demonstration to show us how the speaking test will look like. Miss Zu, want us to get the idea, so that, we know how the speaking test is going on. Miss Zu choose a group to come in front, to demonstrate to us about the speaking test.

Miss Zu also, show us, how she is going to give mark to us during the speaking test based on our fluent to speak with no err errr, points and how you communicate in the group.

During the group discussion.

#2 (04/09/2012)

Speaking test was held..


Today is my group turn to do the speaking test. Our test was started at 4.45 p.m. My group mate are Firdhaus, Aliah and Farhana Januri :) We got a topic about the flu pandemic such as H1N1. For me, the topic is quite hard and everyone did well, for those who feel it sucks, you can try again next time :) For me, I think my speaking test is not that good, well I'm not saying it's bad, it's just so-so. hmm

Sunday 2 September 2012

Week Twelve :)

#1 (27/08/2012)

Today, we have learnt about Argumentative essay. Miss Zu always do exercise on writing  essay with us because in examination, the writing part contribute the highest marks, I guess, by having the practice, it will help me a lot during the final examination soon. Although our term paper that we have wrote the different type of essay, we still need to learn all type of essay because during the final, we do not know, which type of essay that might come  out, so to be safe, we need to learn all type of essay, as it is also a part of our syllabus and also as our general information on how to write those type of essays.

Okay, let me explain a bit about argumentative essay that I have learnt :) first of all, when you want to write an argumentative essay, you need to have a stand. You need to have a strong reason for choosing the answer. Argumentative essay is about weather you agree or disagree with the topic given, think and think and think ! Once you got the answer you must have the reason for your answer :) well, writing argumentative essay is not that easy, you need to read a lot and have a lot of information about the topic given.

This is the question for our exercise during the class "Women are becoming bolder as well as aggressive and men are more sensitive. Agree or disagree with the statement. Support your opinion with reasons and examples." So, according to this topic I would like to say that, I disagree with the topic because as we know that, men are having the nature to become a leader, men got better visionaries as compared to women and men are much more flexible. This is why I agree that men are more bolder and aggressive as compared to women. 

Usually, Miss always divided us into a group to write the task given. But today, writing the argumentative essay is an individual work. Miss said, she wants to see, how we are going to write because usually, we only write for only one paragraph for one essay, but this time around, each person must come out with one essay. 

#2 (28/08/2012)

We are having forum ! Yeayyyy. Today, we did an activity which we need to act like we are in a television  show named Step with Pride in a segment called Get It Burst!  where, there is a host and a movie star for a new movie that has been released in the cinema ! This activity is quite interesting as we can see, our classmate acting to be a movie a star. hihi.

We are divided into 4 groups, and every group are having different movie. As for my group, group 4, we are given a movie titled Happy Feet 2. All of my group members which are Naddy Cullen the director, Farhana Clarkson the producer, Alia Gomez as Pingulia and last but not least the famous actor in the whole world, who do not know, Brad Fiq the most success actor as Pinggan. All of my group member actually, never watch this movie, as we do not have smartphones to Google about this movie, we decided to come out with our own synopsis. Well our own synopsis is not that bad. Our Happy Feet 2 is telling about family relationship that has been broke off since they we're small and meet back together at other place when they are older. Me, Qistina Perry as the host of the show. 

#3 (30/12/2012)

No class today ! Yeayyyy :D

Week Eleven

#1 ( 13/08/2012)

Before we are going to celebrate Hari Raya, we need to make sure that our first draft of term paper are done because we need to hand in before the Hari Raya Break ! Farzana and I, completed the term paper as fast as we can because we can't wait to go back home to celebrate the Hari Rayaa. 

Basically, in this 2 hours class, we spent on editing the term paper. We need to fill in the form that was given by miss. In the form, there are a few questions which make it easier for you to check your term paper. Besides that, after done checking our own term paper, we need to check for our friend term paper, look for any error and give some comments before hand in to miss. 

After done with the editing part, we hand in the term paper with hopes that we can have a good marks. hihi

#2 (14/08/2012)

In today's class, we learnt about speaking test that will be take place right after the Hari Raya breakk :( what a very surprising because we are not given some time to prepare with our group member.

In BEL 311, the speaking test or also known as group discussion, is not included any point for the question. You need to have your own point and elaborate it by yourself not like Bel 120 and Bel260 where the point for the question are given which you just need to elaborate. In speaking test BEL 311 is not exactly like the previous one. So, I am quite scare if I'm lost during the discussion. I'm worried if I don't get any idea to answer the question. There is so much think that I'm thinking about the speaking test. I'm so nervous.  The marks for speaking test is given for the task fulfilment, languange and communication ability. I am in group 3 where my group mate are Aliah, Firdhaus and Farhana Januri :) 


#3 (15/08/2012)

Hari Raya Break started ! :D I'm wishing Salam Eidulfitri To all of my beloved classmates and to Miss Zu :) Sorry for my all wrong doings since we first met. have a nice day with the loved ones :) Selamat Hari Raya !


Week Ten !

#1 (06/08/2012)

Write-an-essay day ! Today, we learnt a second type of essay which is problem-solution essay. Like before, we are divided into  groups so, we are going to write an essay in a group, each one of the group member will write a paragraph for the essay. 

When we are writing the problem-solution essay, first thing first we need to identify the problem. As the type of the essay is the problem-solution essay, we must have a problem before writing the essay. Besides the problem , we also, need to have a solution for the problem that we have arise. 

We must know, where the problems come from, who is affected by the problem. For example, "In my opinion, the problem originated from... " . We must think about the future, what will be, if the problems can be solve or what are we going to do, if the problem it not resolve. We must have a solution for every circumstance that might happen in the future. Because, we don't know what is the solution, as it still do not happen yet. We need to discuss the extent of the problem as well. We need to state that if the problem is not dealt, what are the problem that might occur in the future. 

Here are some steps how to discus the situations :

  • You need to introduce the solution
  • Discuss who can get involved
  • Discuss the cost and practically of the solution.
Miss Zu ask us to write an essay base on the video clip that she has shown to us which that video tells  "What would you do pretty girl stealing bite ?" 

Oh yaa, I got something to share ! Do open this link ! It really helps :)  http://www.enotes.com/topics/how-write-problem-solution-essay 

#2 (07/08/2012)

Today, we continue with our term paper after left it for quite sometimes. whoooh. Term paper seems so hard to finish it. 1000 words? I never write an essay until 1000 words, and I don't know what my essay will look like. Seriously, I'm not sure if I can write that long ! Too long :O

As we already have the outline, it is easier to write the development paragraph. which, we need to submit next week ! For the first step, miss ask us to write the introductory paragraph. We chose to have personal example, rhetorical question and definition to be included as the hook in the introductory paragraph. 

In the development paragraph, we need to have topic sentence, supporting detail 1, supporting detail 2 and supporting detail  3 as well as concluding statement. The development paragraph is not the same to the other type of essay. Different essay got different format. For compare and contrast the format to write the essay is just like I have stated. 

After, writing the essay step by step, I found it , it's not impossible for me to write an essay as long as 1000 words. Thank you miss for the guide :) I guess I can write better now . hihihi

#3 (09/08/2012) 

We are having a debate ! For me, this activity is quite fun because I can see my classmate give cooperation with each other even though they are not agree with the topic given. 

As for me, my group is going to debate on "Is it true that men are easy to work with and more creative than women especially when it involves group work? " We are on the opposite side which we are not agree with the statement. 

This are the photos during the debate was going on, the situations are still can be manage. There is not fighting moment or any heart feeling. We are having the healthy debate :)